SHOUTcast Radio Authhash API

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A key aspect of the SHOUTcast 2.0 system is the usage of authorisation keys to control the listing of stations within the SHOUTcast Radio Directory (otherwise known as the YP).

The API which is documented here is provided as a means for registered developers to be able to obtain and manage any authorisation keys for the station(s) they are providing.

API Overview

There are four core parts of the authorisation key APIs (usage details are in section 3):


The authorisation key APIs are xml based responses which provide information and status details of the provided API methods in a common style to ease implementation and usage.

The API methods are called by passing parameters to the required YP site url.

When the API methods are called then the status code of the method response is set to the status code of the API method so it is easy to detect errors from calling the API method.

Successful Response

If there are no issues with the API method call then one of the following responses will be received as the response generated.

The first response is the basic success response and is provided if there is no extra information to be returned by the API method:


The second response is the full success response and is provided when the API method needs to return additional information such as the authorisation key when a new one is created or the details of the authorisation key when using the 'check' method:

  <!-- information is found here -->

Error Response

If there are issues experienced during the API method call then an error response will be received which takes the following form:

 <statusText>Invalid devId</statusText>
 <!-- the following is optional dependent upon the error -->
 <statusDetailText>Invalid parameter k</statusDetailText>

In all uses of the API methods, the 'statusCode' and 'statusText' elements are provided when an error occurs. The 'statusDetailText' value is an optional element and is only provided if the internal error handling is able to provide additional information. This will usually be present for errors relating to parameter issues i.e. missing parameters.

See section 5 for the status codes and messages returned when using the API methods.

API Usage

The following sections detail how to use the four authorisation key API methods.

Importantly, once an authorisation key has been created then it will be locked to the Developer ID used so you can only check, update or remove authorisation keys against that Developer ID.

Create Authorisation Key

This will create an authorisation key and will return it in the xml response on success.

Any parameters which are not specified and do not cause an error will be left at their default values which will be indicated by empty xml elements when using the 'check' API.

URL:[Your Dev ID]&stationname=The Station Name&genre=Misc&[Optional Parameters To Set]

Required Parameters:

  • k - Developer ID for accessing the API
  • stationname - name of the station as listed in the YP listings
  • genre - genre describing the station (see section 4 for getting supported values)

Optional Parametes:

  • website - related url for station up to 128 characters
  • description - brief description about the station up to 128 characters
  • langid - ISO 639-1 code of the language the station mainly broadcasts e.g. English would be EN
  • countryiso - ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code of the country the station is run e.g. United Kingdom would be GB
  • stateiso - USPO state code (only used if countryiso = US) and defaults to 00 (general)
  • keywords - separated tag words about the stream up to 120 characters
  • private - determine if the primary server should be public (0 - default) or not (1)
It is recommended to fill in as many of these optional details where possible
to improve usability with any future YP features which may be introduced.


Returns a full success response containing the new authorisation key or the standard error response.

Example Response


Check Authorisation Key

This will remove an authorisation key as long as it was created by the Developer ID used.

URL:[Your Dev ID]&authhash=[An_Authorisation_Key]

Required Parameters:

  • k - Developer ID for accessing the API
  • authhash - Authorisation Key to check


Returns a full success response containing the found details of the authorisation key or the standard error response.

Example Response

  <stationname>The Station Name</stationname>
  <description>The Best Station Ever...!</description>
  <keywords>Greatest Web Station</keywords>
The <stateiso> element will only be returned if the <countryiso> element is 'US'.

Update Authorisation Key

This will update an authorisation key as long as it was created by the Developer ID used.

Any parameters which are not specified and do not cause an error when making an update are reset to their default value when this completes. Otherwise this acts the same as the 'create' API with the addition of specifying the authorisation key to update.

URL:[Your Dev ID]&authhash=[An_Authorisation_Key]&stationname=The Station Name&genre=Misc&[Other Parameters To Update]

Required Parameters:

  • k - Developer ID for accessing the API
  • authhash - Authorisation Key to update
  • stationname - the name of the station as listed in the YP listings
  • genre - the genre best describing the station (see section 4 for supported values)

Optional Parametes:

  • website - related url for station up to 128 characters
  • description - brief description about the station up to 128 characters
  • langid - ISO 639-1 code of the language the station mainly broadcasts e.g. English would be EN
  • countryiso - ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code of the country the station is run e.g. United Kingdom would be GB
  • stateiso - USPO state code (only used if countryiso = US) and defaults to 00 (general)
  • keywords - separated tag words about the stream up to 120 characters
  • private - determine if the primary server should be public (0 - default) or not (1)
It is recommended to fill in as many of these optional details where possible
to improve usability with any future YP features which may be introduced.


Returns a basic success response or the standard error response.

Remove Authorisation Key

This will remove an authorisation key as long as it was created by the Developer ID used.

URL:[Your Dev ID]&authhash=[An_Authorisation_Key]

Required Parameters:

  • k - Developer ID for accessing the API
  • authhash - Authorisation Key to remove


Returns a basic success response or the standard error response.

Additional Resources

In addition to the core API methods, some additional methods are provided for accessing the supported primary and secondary genres, country, state and language codes. These are provided as a means to check you are using the correct values or to use if creating your own interface around the core authorisation key APIs.

These additional methods are accessed via* where * is then replaced with one of the following to get the required information:

  • country - provides provides a html select control containing the ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code and a displayable string for each option in the control
  • languages - provides provides a html select control containing the ISO 639-1 code and a displayable string for each option in the control
  • states - provides provides a html select control containing the USPO state code and a displayable string for each option in the control
  • primarygenre - provides a html select control of the primary genre's recognised
  • secondarygenre?pri_genre=<genre> - provides a html select control of the secondary genre's related to the primary genre passed or an empty response if there is no genres found
  • parentgenre?genre=<genre> - provides the name of the parent genre of the passed genre or an empty response if there is no parent genre

All additional methods (excluding the 'parentgenre' method) provide a fully formed html select control which is filled with relevent values based on the parameter passed to the method (if applicable). These are done like this to allow for ease of insertion into a

element for example with an interface used to control the APIs.

Calling these additional methods (excluding the 'parentgenre' method) with '&raw=1' in the url will output the result (if applicable) as plain text instead of as a html select control. The values returned are separated by a comma and each data pair is then placed on a new line. This is provided as a quick way of getting the recognised values if the html select control is not suitable.

User Interface Versions

In addition to the core API methods, specifying 'ui_' on the front of the API method e.g. for the 'check' method provides a pre-built interface pages which can be used as a base point for making your own interface for the authorisation key APIs or to use as is as long as you have the required developer access.

Status Codes

The following status codes are returned on success or error when using the provided APIs:

Code Status Text Detailed Text (if available)
200 Ok n/a
400 Generic Error n/a
404 Page Not Found n/a
440 Invalid devId Invalid parameter k
459 Authhash could not be found for reading Authhash does not exist or was not created by this 'devID'
460 Missing required parameter Missing <variable>
461 Error while updating authhash n/a
462 Parameter error Invalid parameter <variable>
463 Invalid station result returned n/a
464 Authhash could not be found or removed Authhash does not exist or was not created by this 'devID'
465 Required parameter missing for registration <variable> is a required parameter
466 Parameter outside of allowed range <variable> parameter too long
467 Parameter value not recognized in stored values <variable> value not recognized
468 Error creating intended xml response n/a
469 Authhash could not be updated as not found Authhash does not exist or was not created by this 'devID'
470 Invalid authorization hash n/a
500 Generic Server Error n/a
Note: The <variable> value in the detailed text will be replaced with the parameter name which the error relates to.