SHOUTcast Authhash Management

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One of the key aspects of the new YP2 directory infrastructure is an authorisation key which is used to validate your server when it tries to connect to the YP2 infrastructure for any of the station(s) you run. Once this key is obtained, it will be valid for all root servers of the station being broadcast.

You can obtain multiple authorisation keys if broadcasting the same stream content at different bitrates so they will appear separately in the SHOUTcast Directory listings. This is not needed if broadcasting the same content in MP3 and AAC+ formats as the SHOUTcast Directory will automatically list those streams separately.


Administrator Summary Page
To obtain a unique authentication key you first need to have setup the DNAS and have a source (such as the Source DSP or Transcoder) correctly connected so the stream is recognised by the DNAS. Then login to the Administrator Summary page accessed from the Administrator Login on the DNAS Summary page which you usually access at if doing this on the same machine as the DNAS. If you have changed 'portbase' then change 8000 to the value specified for 'portbase'. If you are accessing this remotely then you will need to change to the appropriate IP address of the machine you are trying to access.

On this page you will see any streams which have sources connected to them with Create Authhash, Update Authhash and Remove Authhash options shown as appropriate beneath the stream number.


Creating an Authhash
Created an Authhash
To create an authhash for a stream then you need to click the Create Authhash link. This will take you to another page where you need to fill in the missing fields as applicable for your stream as the DNAS attempts to fill in fields with the information obtained from the connected source. Once all of the required information has been entered then click the Create Authhash button.

If there is a missing field or something is not right when attempting to create the authhash, then you will see a message showing what needs to be entered or changed or what to do to get additional help.

On successful creation, the new authhash will be saved into your configuration file either in the root configuration file or one where there's an empty streamauthhash entry matching the stream identifier. When you go back to the Administrator Summary page the Create Authhash link will have changed to Update Authhash and Remove Authhash links.

It can take up to 10 minutes for the new authhash to be fully recognised so if you
have made a mistake or are trying to get listed then you will need to be wait.


Updating an authhash is the same as creating an authhash just with the existing information of the authhash shown in the fields allowing for them to be edited. If there are no issues and the authhash can be updated from the machine used (with it having the same external IP as used to create the authhash) then any changes made should be updated in the YP system.

If there is a missing field or something is not right when attempting to create the authhash, then you will see a message showing what needs to be entered or changed or what to do to get additional help.

It can take up to 10 minutes for changed details to be fully recognised so if
you have made a mistake or are trying to get listed then you will need to wait.


Removed an Authhash
Removing an authhash is a simple action of clicking the Remove Authhash link. If there are no issues and the authhash can be removed from the machine used (with it having the same external IP as used to create the authhash) then it will be removed from the YP system and also from your configuration file.


If you want to use the same authhash on another stream (e.g. if only the stream format is different or you want to group the same stream content) then you will need to manually edit you configuration file by setting the relevant streamauthhash entry for the required stream configuration group and use the Reload All Stream Configuration(s) option on the Administrator Summary page.

Management Issues

Updating or removing an authhash requires the same external IP of the machine to be found by the YP against what was used when the authhash was created. If this external IP has changed then you will need to contact support via this forum thread ensuring all required information is provided as is detailed.

If you experience other issues with managing your authhashes via the options provided, make sure you follow any information provided to attempt to resolve the issue. If that still does not work then you will need to contact support via this forum thread ensuring all required information is provided as is detailed.