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<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <allpages apcontinue="DSP_Plugin" />
      <p pageid="44785" ns="0" title="Basic Plugin Guide - Tutorial" />
      <p pageid="44720" ns="0" title="Beginner&#039;s Basic Plugin Guide" />
      <p pageid="209" ns="0" title="Box source code here" />
      <p pageid="224" ns="0" title="Color Editor" />
      <p pageid="347" ns="0" title="Complete JavaScript API technology framework" />
      <p pageid="48588" ns="0" title="Complex Numbers" />
      <p pageid="228" ns="0" title="Creating Classic Skins" />
      <p pageid="67" ns="0" title="Creating Custom Cursors" />
      <p pageid="227" ns="0" title="Creating Modern Skins" />
      <p pageid="226" ns="0" title="Creating a ClassicPro Skin" />